The Yun Family’s Ninth Child is an Imp!
Chapter 32
, , It took Wyntor a while to recover, but eventually, he managed to stop puking his heart out. , While Wyntor had been puking, Nick had shoved the Dreamer into the sack they had brought with them. , The sack was just a normal sack. , When Wyntor stood up and saw the sack, all his unhappiness and disgust seemed to vanish. , A Specter! , They had a Specter in their grasp! , They actually had one! , Then, Wyntor saw Nick, and he had to take a deep breath. , Nick looked really worn out. , Blood was flowing from several parts of his body, and Wyntor already knew that all these wounds would get infected very soon. , “Are you okay?” Wyntor asked. , “Do I look like I’m okay?” Nick asked. , Wyntor winced, but Nick just laughed. , “Relax, I’m okay. I’m just joking,” Nick said. , Wyntor sighed. “You look really messed up, you know.” , “I know,” Nick answered. “So, got anything that I can use to deal with these wounds? I kind of don’t want to die, you know?” , Wyntor just nodded. “We can visit a hospital in the Outer City. Since we now have a Specter, the money is going to flow in soon. Additionally, I need you to be at your best.” , “After all, you are the Chief Extractor, which means that you not only have to work with the Dreamer but also find out how to work with it.” , “Every Specter is unique, and every Specter needs to be treated differently to get the most Zephyx out of them.” , Nick just nodded before he grabbed the sack with the Dreamer. , A moment later, Nick noticed how light the sack actually was with surprise. , “Huh, that’s lighter than expected,” Nick said. , “Specters have a lot of power, but they are using Zephyx converted from Prephyx as their main source of power,” Wyntor explained. “Specters are actually pretty light. They are not made of a lot of Zephyx, but the Zephyx is so potent that they still manage to unleash incredible powers.” , “That tall bird probably barely weighs five kilos.” , Nick nodded. , The next moment, he slung the sack over his shoulders. , The cable that Wyntor had put around the Dreamer was something that Nick had already heard about. , It was a Zephyx Blocker, something that was used to stop the flow of Zephyx. , At this moment, the Zephyx Blocker was using up its stored energy to stop the Dreamer’s Zephyx from flowing. , Since this was the lowest grade, it would only work for about five hours when put on a level one Specter. , This meant that Wyntor and Nick had to deliver the Dreamer to their headquarters within the next five hours, but that was plenty of time. , Wyntor and Nick walked out of the entrance to the sewers and emerged in an abandoned part of the Dregs. , Wyntor immediately took a deep breath of the Dregs. , He had never imagined that he would one day find the air in the Dregs to be refreshing and enjoyable. , As the two of them walked through the Dregs, they saw all the people look at them with disgust while avoiding them. , These two smelled absolutely abhorrent, even by the Dregs’ standards. , However, the two of them didn’t pay a lot of attention to the onlookers. , They were far too excited about finally having caught their first Specter. , After about half an hour, they finally left the densest part of the Dregs behind, and they entered the outskirts. , The streets transitioned from being made of rusty metal into being made of polished metal, and the houses also started to become more uniform and orderly. , Naturally, the people on the streets also seemed more well-dressed, and their reactions to the two of them were even more disgusted. , “Stop!” , The two stopped as their brows furrowed. , The next moment, two people wearing black combat uniforms walked up to them. The two men looked with disgust at them while they were holding their noses. , “People like you are not welcome here! Leave the Outer City, or we’ll make you!” one of them shouted. , Naturally, the two of them were city guards, and it was part of their duty to keep the Outer City clean from unsavory people. , Two people stinking of piss and ** could be seen as unsavory. , Wyntor put his hand in this pocket. , One of the two guards narrowed his eyes and shot forward, grabbing Wyntor’s arm before he could get it back out of his pocket. , The guard thought that Wyntor was about to pull a weapon on them. , “Stop resisting!” the guard shouted as he pulled Wyntor’s arm violently out of his pocket. , CRK! , The next moment, Wyntor’s wrist seemed to give, and it extended a bit further than it should. , His wrist had been dislocated by the guard. , While Wyntor had an ability from a Specter, he was not an athletic person, while the guards were very athletic and strong. , Wyntor gritted his teeth as the guard pulled his arm to the side to lock it behind his back. , The next moment, the guard wrestled Wyntor to the ground. , While all of this was happening, Nick locked eyes with the other guard. , Then, Nick looked down for a small moment before looking at the guard again. 𝙡𝓲𝙧𝒂.𝙘𝓸𝒎, Naturally, the guard realized that Nick had essentially told him to look down. , The guard glanced down, and he saw a small card, which had just fallen out of Wyntor’s hand. , The guard furrowed his brows as he looked at Nick, who only stared back without saying anything. , In the end, the second guard kneeled down to retrieve the card. , After looking at the card, the guard’s face turned white in horror as he looked at Wyntor, who was held on the ground by the other guard. , The second guard immediately jumped over to the first guard and pulled him off. “James, stop!” , The first guard shoved the second guard away with annoyance. “What’s your problem?!” he shouted. , The second guard shoved the card into the first guard’s hands with urgency. , The second guard looked at the card with annoyance. , But then, his eyes widened, and he turned to look at the person below him with terror. , At this moment, Wyntor glared at the guard with venom. , The guard froze. , In his hand, the guard currently held a Residency Card for the highest floor of the Inner City, and the name on the card was Wyntor Melfion. , Naturally, the guards knew exactly who they were currently looking at., The source 𝙤f this content is 𝙡𝙞𝒓𝙚𝓪𝙙.𝒄𝓸𝓶
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