The Yun Family’s Ninth Child is an Imp!
Chapter 25
, , Nick waited for several hours in the horrible liquid. , During this time, he had a lot of time to think. , For example, he had thought about how he had ended up in this place. , Naturally, after being inside such a disgusting place for so long, Nick had questioned his life choices. , But in the end, Nick thought that it actually wasn’t so bad. After all, he was currently trying to turn his life for the better. , The worse it was, the fewer regrets he would have in the future in case he decided to accept the Investigator job. , At least, he could say that he had even swam through a pool of piss and ** in an effort to become a Zephyx Extractor. , By now, it was deep in the night, but the sun still shone brightly in the sky. , Way fewer people were walking around above the grates, and Nick had also seen a drop in streams of piss and nuggets of ** coming down through the grates into the pool. , Yet, Nick still hadn’t seen the Dreamer. , He constantly kept a lookout for its whereabouts, but Nick just couldn’t find it anywhere. , ‘It should be 12 a.m. already,’ Nick thought with furrowed brows. ‘Most people should be asleep already, and there should be plenty of victims to choose from for the Dreamer.’ , ‘Yet, I haven’t seen anything fly around.’ , ‘From this position, I can basically look at everything below the Dregs, but I still can’t see anything flying around.’ , Naturally, Nick grew worried. , Just to be safe, Nick waited for another two hours. , But still, nothing. , ‘It should be 2 a.m. now, but I still don’t see anything.’ , By now, even Nick’s powerful and strengthened skin started to get itchy all over. , The liquid was a bit acidic, and Nick had been in it for over eight hours by now. , In the end, Nick surfaced with a helpless sigh. , ‘Since it’s not flying around, this can basically mean only one thing.’ , ‘Its nest is directly below its victim’s home.’ , ‘That means it doesn’t need to fly around to feed.’ , Nick looked around and focused on the several big and dark spots in his surroundings. , The direct beams of light coming from above Nick created shadowy squares when blocked by the houses of the Dregs. , In a way, they created shadows of the houses themselves. , But instead of being two-dimensional, it was like the shadows took up the entire space below the houses, creating a sort of black domain. , However, there were also a few houses with a couple of small grates, representing small spots of light. , These grates were mostly left in the houses as toilets. , ‘For now, I should focus on the houses with toilets.’ , Nick created a map inside his head of the layout and started from the edge of the Dregs. , After swimming for a while, Nick stopped in front of the first dark place. , In front of Nick was a shadowy area, around twenty meters wide and fifty meters long. , There were two grates in that area of darkness. , Naturally, houses in the Dregs didn’t get that big. This was simply a small block of houses with two toilets. , Nick took a deep breath. , And then, he swam forward. , Nick directly swam towards the beam of light in front of him, but he also kept looking around for the Dreamer. , He saw several pillars and even a ruin jotting out of the pool around him, and he looked at all of them. , The Dreamer probably wasn’t very big, and it could probably even live on the sides of one of the rusty pillars. 𝙡𝙞𝒓𝙚𝓪𝙙.𝒄𝓸𝓶, Nick inspected all the pillars. , Suddenly, Nick’s body shook, and he stopped moving forward. , In front of him, the pillars seemed to distort and morph into each other. , Just a couple of moments later, a terrifying grimace with teeth had been created, and it looked down at Nick with rage. , Nick’s heart rate rose. , ‘That’s the Nightmare! This is only an illusion!’ , Yet, knowing that it was an illusion didn’t help a lot. , Nick’s terror was still very present and visible. , Someone with a phobia of spiders also knew that almost all the spiders weren’t even dangerous. , Yet, their fear was still overpowering. , Nick was in a similar situation now. , He knew that the huge grimace floating above him was not real, but he still genuinely felt like he was about to die. , Nick’s speed increased. , It was almost like his disgust for the liquid had vanished as he desperately tried to get away as quickly as possible. , “You’re going to die!” , The darkest voice Nick had ever heard had just spoken that sentence, and Nick felt his mind shiver. , Yet, Nick just looked forward at the safe beam of light that was the toilet of the house. , “You’re never going to reach it.” , The next moment, Nick saw the beam of light slowly going away from him. , Nick’s breathing quickened, and he didn’t even care that some of the liquid entered his mouth at that moment. , He needed light! , Nick kept swimming. , And swimming. , And swimming. , Why hadn’t he reached it yet?! , From the start, the toilet was barely ten meters away from him! , That took some seconds, but that was it! , Nick was quite sure that he had been swimming for over half a minute by now! , Where was the light?! , “Hahahahaha!” , The dark voice laughed as the light traveled further and further away from Nick until eventually… , It was gone. , There was no more light. , There was only darkness. , An endless forest of tall and rusty spires rose from the pool around Nick. , But that was it. , No matter in which direction Nick looked, he only saw an endless forest of rusty spires. , There was no escape. , The next moment, the grimace of spires slowly descended, its expression morphed into a malicious smile. , And then, it slowly moved towards Nick. , Nick knew all of this wasn’t real, but he also knew that he would die if he stayed in the darkness. , The longer the Nightmare influenced people, the worse it got. , Nick turned around and swam away from the grimace. , He had to flee! , He was going to die! , “Hahahaha!” , The grimace laughed as it came closer. , No matter what Nick did, it was coming closer. , Nick closed his eyes in terror. , He would die! , ‘I’m sorry, Wyntor.’ , ‘But I have to use it!’ , Then, Nick grabbed one of the tubes of glass and broke it over his knee., The source of this content is 𝒊𝓫𝓪.𝓬𝓸𝙢
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